So when we went to the Great Frederick Fair Swine Sale earlier this month, we went a little crazy. Normally, we find a great big pig — ONE of them — and buy it at the auction. The 4-H kids who raise these pigs are so proud to have prize-winning animals, and even prouder when those animals sell for a pretty penny.
This year, we bought TWO big pigs. Miss B and Blarney Stone were raised by two future farmers, Kendall Harshman and Nikita Miller. We were going to take pictures — of the fair, the pigs, our beaming faces — but we got so caught up in the fun and competition of it all that we forgot.
What does this mean to you? This Thursday, October 3, we will celebrate the harvest season by serving Big Pig sausages made from those pigs. We used the whole pig — even the fancy cuts like bacon and ham — so this sausage will taste different. We’ll be serving the sausages for you to fix up at our Schlop Bar with zingy toppings like mustards, grilled or raw onions, jalapeños, and more. Our fall salads and sides are in place to further give you a flavor of harvest season, and if you’re still not in the mood, you can finish off with PIE.
Hustle in to your favorite Rocklands on Thursday, October 3, to taste the harvest in a Big Pig sausage.
(And the picture? It’s a cake from the baking competition at the Fair. Someone wins BIG points for creativity.)