We’d love to hear from you!
Call or email our catering crew for your next party, work event, or holiday:
703-778-8000 or moc.sdnalkcor@gniretac
Restaurant Locations
Contact any of our restaurants to place a take-out order or find out about daily specials:
Washingon, DC — 202-333-2558
Arlington,VA — 703-528-9663
Alexandria,VA — 703-778-9663
World Headquarters Office — 202-337-1925 or moc.sdnalkcor@ofni
To send a request for community support:
moc.sdnalkcor@ofni OR
Community Support
Rocklands World Headquarters
2418 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington, DC 20007-1845
Online Store Information
We’re also on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram so you can get us a note fast that way. And if you want to hear from us via e-mail, sign up for our e-news (we promise not to sell or rent your name).