For the past few years — four, to be exact — we’ve partnered with Doorways for Women and Families to kick off our Arlington patio season. On Thursday, April 19, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm, Rocklands will officially open the Arlington patio with a special Doggy Yappy Hour to benefit Doorways. Two-legged guests will “shed” their (clean) winter coats into donation boxes, then mingle on the patio munching on pork pulled from a whole roast pig and fresh oysters roasted over a wood fire and drinking happy hour specials from the bar. (Four-legged guests are welcome and we’ll have treats!)
A double sawbuck gets you the delicious food AND your first raffle ticket. We’ll be encouraging you to buy more raffle tickets — $5 chances for great prizes — and to tip your bartender outrageously: We’re donating the food, so all cash proceeds will go directly to Doorways. You can buy tickets here.
Doorways is feeling the crunch of the economy two ways these days: Harder to get contributions, and more people in need of the kind of practical, immediate help Doorways provides. We hope you’ll come out and support a good cause by eating great food.