April 6 is the big day. While we thank you–our loyal fans–all year, on Thursday we say “thanks” with a twist: A whole barbequed pig set out for tastes.
Every year about this time we breathe a sigh of relief. Whew, winter is over. Now how do we celebrate spring?
We are people who cook with smoke. So of course, THAT’s what we do: We barbeque a whole pig, and put it out front where we can slice off tastes for you as you come in for lunch. Like the crunchy bits? Just tell your slicer.
Thursday, April 6, is Pig Pull Day. Come on in, and come early so we can say thank you with a nibbly bit of barbequed pig as you wait for your lunch. For those of you who can’t make it in for lunch, we’ll still say “THANK YOU” — but we can’t guarantee there will be much left of that pig!