We have some good beers, my friends. And when it is so PIPING HOT out there, we want you to stay cool while you eat your barbeque.
Each Rocklands has its own special selection, in part because we have managers who love certain combos, and in part because the jurisdictions of DC, Montgomery County, Alexandria and Arlington all have their own ideas of what we can sell. So with the caveat that you may not find these at all locations, here’s a quick run:
- Old favorite: Rolling Rock
- New kid in town: Shift Pale Lager
- Name to yell out loud: “STELLA!” (Artois)
- Local brewery we love: Port City (Monumental IPA in particular — can taste it right now!)
- Nod to the West: Fat Tire Ale
- Nod to the odd: Hell or High Watermelon (perfect for August 3, National Watermelon Day)
- For the teetotaler: Rocklands Coolant Rootbeer (big hit of sassafras up front, fizzy on the back)
And as you old hands know, any — every — Monday, when you buy a beer we will GIVE you a chopped pork super-slider.
See you soon for some hot barbeque and a cold beer.